bet this one wasn't hard to find, huh? well, since you're here, allow me to tell you something. this was a very obvious secret page, and so, for this reason, i will tell you something that is insignificant and boring.

when i was in 6th grade, we were working on something with people from another group (since we were split into two groups in like 2nd grade or whatever) and it involved pencils. i was working with a group of girls i didn't really like at the time. but that's not important.
so anyway, they didn't want to put the pencils back where they found them. so you know what they did? they stuffed them into my pencil case. and i never told anyone, i kept the pencils. the pencils which, mind you, were actually property of the school and if anybody found out about it at the time i would probably get in big trouble. i still have them, actually, and i still draw with them every once in a while.

there. that was my very insignificant and boring story.

also completely unrelated but if we're talking "boring stories from elementary school" then i'll tell you a much shorter one: in first grade i stole somebody's notebook and claimed it as mine. a teacher even helped me out with that but i grew to hate her lol. i used it as a personal diary.